Posted on April 5, 2012 by Andy John

The best places to network for kids and for adults is in the community you already belong to. That means look at your ball teams, churches, synagogues, schools, colleges, family… You probably can do most of your networking closer to home. In Asheville, we have many places for kids and adults to find other musicians. At the Asheville Music School we offer ensembles.  Check with the Asheville Music School website to see what is currently being offered.  We offer a diverse array of styles like pop, chamber music, jazz, and rock and can assess ability quickly.  We also have very successful week long summer camps which only get more popular every year.

Other than that, there are lots of resources online. People find each other on Craig’s List. I haven’t tried that route so I’m not advocating it but it’s the same thing as the old fashioned poster at the music school that I tried in high school.

For the more advanced students, check on local open mic nights.  Go listen a few times and get to know the house band and feel it out.  Maybe sit in when you are ready.  It is easier than you think.

How do I find other people to play with?